Sunday, March 30, 2008


Tom Healy and Charley Allen came over and we got busy outside. I introduced them to the "W" workout. Charley had to abstain due to his recent knee surgery but Tom was pretty into it. We did 3 rounds of it.
20 swings
20 pushups
1 tire flip
10 burpees+10 deck squats
10 snatches (3rd round we did 20 snatches)

I really pushed myself the 3rd round and got dizzy and ruined. It was good for me. Made me feel alive and a littl bit better. Going on a jog now with the wife. Going run until I cry and try and gain that peace again.

Side note- Charley brought his AKC bells and I really, really LIKED THEM. I want some now.

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