Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Fucking sucked. Terrible day. Got hit with major life issues that sent me into panic attacks and sucked my will to live. Tried to work out- wasn't happening. I mean, it did happen, but it lacked gusto so to speak. We did a 6 station "W" work out that looked like the pic on the left. We did 45 seconds a station and included running to next station in the 45 seconds. I did this through 4 times. I was lacking the hustle to get really serious numbers in... 12 snatches total each time, 30 push ups, 5-7 burpee-to-deck-squat combos, 2 tire flips, 20-25 swings, 4 pull ups- that was about the avg each time through. Not good. But I did it.

Afterwards I went on a 2 mile-and-change run to clear my head some. Helped. Did much better on the run than the "W" work out. I am doing medium pressing today and probably running some more.

Just need to keep my head up.


Jennifer said...

Do keep your head up and let me know if there's anything I might be able to help with--or just listen for. Sorry things suck right now.

Chris J said...

Was yesterday suck the wind from you sails day for everyone?

My day sucked yesterday too. At least you got a work out in. All I did was 16oz curls.