Tuesday, March 4, 2008

So you don't want to work out today...

A forethought- I used to be a social worker before I got into real estate. I had to stop b/c I couldn't stand seeing what I was seeing anymore- I was getting too angry at people and the world. That job took the rest of my tears- I have none left. Then I came across this on someone else's fitness blog... and I started crying. This is amazing.


(in case you missed it on the page, Rick, the son, has a degree from Boston University in Special Ed.. How hard did you work for YOUR degree?)


Enjoy your workout today. I am sure as hell going to enjoy mine. And if you were feeling like maybe today got you down and you don't have it in you- you do. If these guys can do this, you can go swing a kettlebell, or do some burpees or flip a tire or run some sprints.
Don't take it for granted folks.


Chris J said...

I have to agree, very touching. Didn't care for the music, but the part where he is carrying his son to the bike, really nailed it.

Anthony C said...

yea the music was kind of a crime against humanity but the video- wow. the part that murdered me was him swimming with that damn boat tied around his waist- good god.