Wednesday, April 16, 2008


HOC happened yesterday. 4 laps. After not working out for 3-4 weeks, the HOC killed me.

We did pullups, jog to box jumps, jog to push ups, jog to kettlebells. At the kettlebells I did windmills, then next lap were man-makers (with double bells, clean, squat, press, to ground renegade row R, L, then pushup counts as 1 rep), and then next lap more windmills.

The last lap was just running somewhere between a fast jog and sprint.

Then I was done.

I am sore sore sore from Monday in the gym. I am going bac this afternoon for heavy leg work and heavy rows. Then off to the MMA gym to check it out.

The good news is I am meating more. Apprently working out makes you hungry.

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