Wednesday, April 9, 2008

easing onto my knee...

last nite i went to ju jit su and hte conditioning class before hand. i took it easy b/c of hte knee so i only did 3 of hte 5 circuits.

2 min wall climbers,
20 3 way crunches
20 supermans
10 medball thrusters
20 assorted pushups (5 reg, 5 diamond, 5 stacked left, 5 stacked right)

then in class i took it REAL easy. practiced my fallas nad rolls and a few techniques. all very slowly. my knee feels almost better today.

i cut out of class early to go to dinner at a friends house. actually had a great time which was a ncie change of pace.

i picked up smoking again during this crazyness and i stopped again as of last Satuday morning. i haven't had a cigarette since. in all honesty it's killing me but no more smoking for me. i'm putting it out there on here for another layer of accountability.


leslie said...

Smoking is completely inconsistent with how you train and who you are. Good for you for stopping. I quit 22 years ago (pack a day habit) and I'm so glad I did.

Having said that, taking up smoking is just a method of pain management, like low-grade anesthesia. Don't know what you're going through, but don't be too hard on yourself for looking for something to ease the pain. Just know that all short term pain management strategies -- smoking, drinking, drugs, sex, etc. -- backfire in the long run because they only cover what's wrong.

Take the strength you exhibit in training and use it in your current difficulties. I'm still praying for you.

charley allen said...

Anthony, your knee isn't necessarily screwed up - it's just mad at you. I am learning there are ways to work around a bum knee.

1. Seated presses - single and double. Do them long enough, and you will be breathing hard.
2. Pushups - lots of them.
3. Chinups - more than a few of them.
4. Abdominal work.
5. Floor presses.
6. Around the world and maybe figure 8 to a hold.

If my recovery progresses as it has been, I'll join you on Saturday May 17 for a little bit of conditioning fun. I'll be able to do everything but a tire flip.

Jennifer said...

Glad to hear you rethought the smoking thing. Leslie is right about the short-term pain mgt. thing--except for maybe the sex, and the drinking, and it depends on what kind of drugs...okay maybe just except for the sex. Though you chose not to take the beating, I'm glad you had a pleasant evening. Take care, my friend.