Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Yesterday was HOC. 1 lap warm up.

Then 10 double MP's w/ 20KGs, 5 pull ups, jog to 40" box jumps for sets of 5, jog to 20 pushups, jog back to bells.

Second round on bells 4 windmills L/R w/ 24KG, 5 hanging leg raises on monkey bars, jog to box jumps, jog to pushups, jog to bells.

Third round on bells 10 MP's w/ double 20KGs, 5 pull ups, jog to 40" box jumps, jog to pushups, jog to bells.


It was first hot day of the year and this hurt me. I need to get back in shape I was in 2 months ago. I am on my way there. I am doing it everyday so I can be happy about that.

My back is finally loosening up some from Sunday's dead lift wrecking. The bells and HOC yesterday helped out a lot on the front.

I have a meeting tonite at 6:30. When I get home I want to do some heavy bell core work- renegade rows, TGU's, windmills, and maybe some farmer's carries. We shall see.

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