Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Descending hell

panic attacks at work. depressed as fuck. hate life. didnt want to work out. hot as fuck. 106. made myself work out and do it outside.

did descending/ascending
50 swings/10 BW squats
40 swings/20 BW squats
30 swings/30 BW squats
20 swings/40 BW squats
10 swings/50 BW squats

took me 25 min. destroyed my legs. lower back super tight. probably did some swings wrong or im just tired. my legs are wrecked. my whole body is sore from yesterday. p90X tomorrow. cant do bells. i'll be too sore. i wont be able to walk by tomorrow afternoon. so wrecked i dont care about anything else. definitely better than pill or booze.


Jennifer said...

What can we do to fix these panic attacks and this depression?

leslie said...

Serenity prayer, Anthony -- SERENITY to accept what can't be changed, COURAGE to change what CAN be changed, and WISDOM to know the difference.

ATOM ANT said...

Sorry to hear that Anthony. Sometimes it could be a simple chemical imbalance or Thyroid problem. You can't consider it mental problem until you eliminate the physcial.

Get a physical exam with full blood work my friend.

Anthony C said...

thanks you all.

1. jen, i dont know.

2. leslie, im praying as hard as i can. its not working. all i can do is keep doing it anyway.

3. dom, its an environmental stressor- a reaction to feeling caged and cornered by a larger, stronger predator.

zevenesh said...


thanks for posting to my blog beast

ur blog is bad ass, i like it!

keep killin' it!
