Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Monday and Tuesday

Monday was off. I was so sore from Sat & Sunday I needed a break.

Yesterday I ran a mile with the dogs and then did 2 C&P ladders with 5 rungs as a warm up.

Then we did a leg workout w/ the 28KG
4 sets of 10 swings
4 sets 10 front squats
2 sets R, 2 sets L 1 Legged Suit Case Dead Lifts
walking lunge, thruster complex (walking lunges to the 24, squat, crush curl, stand up press to overhead, bring back to chest, squat, uncurl repeat 3 times)

This was supposed to be for 3 rounds but in middle of first round I went down and got a NASTY rock stuck into my knee cap, it bled a lot. I did the thrusters adn walking lunges back to start then called it a day.

I am back to 0 because I am a loser. This is hard and I am not doing the best job. If I could just work out ALL day then I wouldn't feel the need. When I work out and after I am done I have no desire to smoke. UGH!


Chris J said...

I tried the double 24kg kb swings. Those were nice, but really just makes me want to get a higher weight now. Hardest part about them was getting both bells between the legs on the down swing.

If it was easy to quit smoking, there would be no cigarette companies. The trick is to not quit quiting. Keep trying, you'll get there if you want to stop bad enough.

Jennifer said...

How about a workout before AND after work? Would that help with the smoking? You can do it.