I write about the park a lot. Its where we flip tires, sprint, lift KB's and get serious.
I am at work and goofing off. I used our aerial program to make a picture of the park and label points of interest. This is silly but I wanted to put it up here to put a face to a name- so to speak.
Above on the right is Lawrence Park in all of its glory.
when you said park, I was thinking with kids play ground equipment and the like.
Like this one by my house
Still looks cool, and I wish I lived across from a park and had a tire to roll over to it on a daily or near daily basis.
Although I feel silly working out at the park, especially when I'm buy myself.
there some playground equipment there too, its where i do pull up ladders.
and that big roofed building is the basketball court- its full service.
fuck feeling silly. u should feel awesome b/c ur outside, getting serious and keeping it real while sissy guys with "ripped bi's" and "swole delts" are preening inside air conditioned gyms!
own that shit.
I went to a park by work last Thursday with my 16kg bells. I walked over to the ball field my girlfriend was playing at, did some halo's and slingshots to warm up. The looks I got from people was enough to make me not do swings or anything else.
However I've never done good at anything while being watched.
ANTHONY C!!! Great hearing from you, brother! Thanks for the update on your blog site since training-syndicate was removed. I've been crazy busy (working on ways to get more $$ for Punch A&H). Things will settle down toward the end of this month. Good to see that you're still well connected in the kb world. I'm getting ready for a show, so, unfortunately my KB training has to be put to the side for another couple of months. Anyway, I'll let you know when I can get down to H-tizzy for a workout together.
Your friend,
Totally sweet, Anthony! You were tight, it's great to put a "face" to a name.
I have to admit I just watched that Chip Conrad video you put up on the forum. Holy shit that crazy BW exercise is AWESOME!
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