Thursday, June 5, 2008


On the field we did negative resistance work on push ups and pull ups.

Push Ups-
chest just off ground 10 sec, chest half way up and elbows bent 10 sec, arms locked, hips tucked 10 secs- 10 sec break, repeat x 3

Abs- descending twists a-la-Newport 10-2 x 3 in a row

Pull ups- 90 degrees 5sec, eye level 5 sec, chin over bar 10 sec, eye level 5 sec, 90 degrees 5 sec- rest 10 sec, repeat x 3

140 yards walking lunges

Push Ups-
30 push up STRICT form, then straight into negative descending, very slow on way down, push up, repeat x 10

Abs- 1 min leg raises a-la-Newport, 30sec R/30 sec L

Pull Ups- 90 degrees 5sec, eye level 5 sec, chin over bar 10 sec, eye level 5 sec, 90 degrees 5 sec- rest 10 sec, repeat x 3


This was harder than it sounds OR I'm a little bitch. Either is possible.

Tomorrow I feel SOME SPRINTS COMMING ON!!!! GO GO GO GO GO GO GO - no slow.

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