Monday, April 27, 2009


I took sat off. I got out the push mower and soon as I got up and did the front and back yard. IT. FUCKING. SUCKED. For some reasons unknown, the yard gave me hell this time. In turn, my shoulders where on fire by the time I was done. The ditch in the front was EXTRA special.

Unless you've got acreage, buy a pushmower. It's better for the environment, cheaper/easier to fix when it breaks and its one hell of a shoulder, lower back and cardio workout.

When I was done I felt like I had to get my WO for the day in so I did 5 rounds of heavy C&P's 3 reps R/L with the 24KG. I am actually getting better at it considering I havent tried it in a while. My left side usually sucks and it stayed strong throughout. Round 5 on reps 2 & 3 it thought about not cooperating but I focused on my total-body-tension and up it went.

After that I rounded it out with 60 coach-maxwell-approved bicycles and 30 coach-maxwell-approved v-ups.

That felt like enough as I got a 35 min cardio, back/shoulder session with the mower.

Today, either AoS 1200, Aos SIM, or AoS Resolution (since i did heavy pressingf yesterday I'm thinking 1200)


Chris J said...

how does the clippings work, doe the push mower have a bag that the stuff goes into?

Anthony C said...

nope. i just leave them be. you could rake them up for extra effort points though.