Monday, February 2, 2009


Was my first double-bell workout since I've been sick. It kicked my ass. I did modified man makers.

5 rounds
drop into RR position, row R, row L, explode up and clean bells to rack, press over head, lock out, overhead lung R, over head lung L. repeat for 3 reps.
this destroyed me. adding in the overhead lunge did me in. i never do those let alone do them with 88lbs over my head. this relly got me. took me forever to recover for the next round- like 2-3min.

when i was done i was so pissed at how long this took me to recover i did 3 rounds of 2R/2L bent presses w/ the 20KG into R/front/L planks, 30 seconds each way.

After that I was completely done but wife really wanted me to go running. I said can't so instead we went on a 5 mile walk. I am from Houston and that is a LONG walk.

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