Thursday, February 26, 2009

11 min of hell

Last weke when I did my 11 min of C&P, I told Jenn about it and she said it it takes her x amount of time to do y reps doing double C&P with the 16KG bells.

I took it upon myself to see what I could do doing doubles w/ the 20KGs. Let me tell you, 11 min of doubles MUCH harder than 11 min of singles (duh). I got 39.5 reps in 11 min. I REALLY wanted 45 and realized I would have to settle with 40 but that 40th rep wasn't happening. I stopped on it twice. If I could have taken 20 more seconds I could have gotten it in but the clock shows no mercy.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Feel free to post times and what not unless I just ask you not to. It's all about sharing so we can grow. :)