Tuesday, December 30, 2008

When too much isn't enough...

SO today was bad. I was in a bad mood. It was Navy Seal FitDeck time. I decided I needed more so I came up with this brilliant plan....

Navy Seal FitDeck (NSFD) is 20 cards. 4 sets of 5 cards, shuffled randomly. 1 lap after each set for a total of 1.3 miles.

Futhermore, b/c I needed punishment I stepped up my rep ranges on everything but the pull ups. Advanced on core, intermediate on lower body and push ups, but still beginner on all pull ups.

All that together did me in. Took about 30 min. It was BRUTAL. I am shaking all over AND I vomited after my last lap. Success!

1 comment:

Chris J said...

I can't wait until I can do un-assisted pull ups to pound that deck