Thursday, December 11, 2008

Very short workout. Took 15 min. Really wanted to work on my form after I got some critique from my friend and newly minted RKC, Jenn B.

With the 24KG I did 2 rounds of
10 KB racked squats R/L
10 KB squat thrusters R/L
2 C&P R/L
10 side bends R/L

On the squats i really tried to focus on keeping my core as tight as possible and on pulling lat down hard into my body. On the cleans I tried to focus on getting my butt down low on the starting position and on keeping everything really tight at the top.

It wasnt a lot but focusing on form that much made it hard. My core was angry when I was done and I felt tired when I was done.


myrmidon said...

hi from Allende Coah. Mex. i been doing kettlebells for about a year and rigth now im doing 2500 swings whit a 45 pounds kettlebell stack, i have a question about something that has been happening to me, i started to have knee pain specialy after i do my swings can you help me out?

Anthony C said...

thanks for dropping by! i'm not an RKC or anything else like that that certifies me to give advice or insruction on bells.
i would recommend seeing an RKC or a dr of sports medicine whose familiar w/ bells (if you can find one). also try the AoS forums, a lot of people on there are far more knowledgeable than me.

that being said it could be a number of things. have you had knee problems in the past? in theory your knees dont need to bend THAT much when you do your swings, so it could be a problem with your form. i would recommend signing up on hte AoS forum (its free!) and posting on there. people on there are awesome AND its a great place to talk and get motivated and get advice on bells for anything.

myrmidon said...

thank you very much for your advice and yor time, its difficult to find a certified instructor arround here, kettlebells are new for us, i think im the only one where i live that uses this type of training,again thank yo very much for your help.

Jennifer said...

Another option would be going to It looks like Spanish is your primary language, and I know there are some folks over there who are fluent in Spanish if that would help you. Drop me an e-mail if that interests you.