Sunday, December 14, 2008

Just a lil smothin-somethin

Last nite to keep it going, I did some snatches with the 20KG. On the advice of the illustrious Jen B, I worked on my form, trying to keep everything tight and strong at the top of the snatch where the lock out is. It'sn hard for me to do that and still keep a rythm so I worked on that pretty hard. Did 50 snatches. Seemed to get it right. It felt slower and somewhat awkward BUT strange enough, while keeping all tension at the top, the next rep was easier, which is strange considering the tension at the top, to me, seems like it doesnt translate into snapping at the bottom of the next rep..
Whatever, who cares. It seems to be working so I'll take it. Anything that helps me with my snatches is awesome. Now I just have to work on finding a rythm with this newly tweaked form.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Build it. It will come.. Teehee. had to do that.