Sunday, December 7, 2008


Sunday morning I did a heavy leg day/

4 rounds of each exercise straight through, one after the other- not circuited.

10 KB Burpees to DL- two 24KG's

5-7 behind the back squat- 24KG

Assorted swings w/. 24KG- L/slinghsot/R/slingshot, 2H, double-bell,

rep range of 3 long cycle cleans to squats- two 24KG's

I taped me doing this one to check my form on the long cycle clean and on the squat. I think it is looking pretty good. Double squats with the two 24KG's is hard for me and my chicken legs, hence the 3 rep range. If you look you can see me really working to get back up from that squat and not have my spine explode. I like it.


leslie said...

Nice form, and those look like some heavy bells!

Anthony C said...

24KG each. 68% of my bodyweight.