Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Missed my lunch time appointment with the dominatrix so....

....I just did AoS 1200 when I got home. It was my first time giving it a shot so I went through the work out on beginner. Doing it that way you actually get in 404 total reps (I did the snatches on sets of 12x12 as oppossed to laddering up to 20x20 which would have given me 440 total reps.)

FUCK THAT! Took me 49 min on the beginner level. I am DEAD. It was bad. I used a 20KG for most drills and a 16KG for all the snatches. Threw up 3 times.

Going to be doing that one pretty regularly. Feel like hell right now. Need to die.

If you hate yourself and you need more masochistic action in your workouts and can't afford bi-weekly dominatrix sessions- grab the Art of Strength 1200 workout. You can find the link to their store on the right hand side of my blog.

Get some.


Jennifer said...

When did you get a 16?

Anthony C said...

always had one, just never use it. thought today was probably a good time to break it out. that and when i do Newport.