Tuesday, September 9, 2008

"Permanence"- Track 4

I got serious today on my own- i got home @ 8 and before I got home I really was so exhausted emotionally and mentally I didnt want to do it.

I listed to some This Is Hell on the way home and got AMPED.

I wound up doing 4 rounds of a circuit that kicked my ass. It went like this

24KG RR's 5 per side
20 shuffle squats
35 yrd kimodo walks
35 yard walking lunges
front, left, and ride side planks 30 sec a side

1.5 min active rest fast paced walking.

Took me about 4-5 min to complete each circuit. The planks too 1.5 min so I'm ok with those times. The 35 yrds of kimodo walks are the real deal son! + my legs are toast and so is more core/trunk.

The title of this entry is what got me amped- it's off of TIH's 1st LP "Sundowning"

It says-
".... Bookmark this page this is where things fall apart
Remember these days, cause this is how downward spirals start.
These are things I never wanted to say, this is a place I never wanted to be...
So let it all come crashing down on me.
These are the things that we never ever wanted to know- if the good die young we'll fucking live forever
With smiling scars across our throats- if the good die young we'll fucking live forever."

Believe that shit.


Sandy Sommer, RKC said...

Dude I must be dense but can you help me out with some stuff? What is RR?

Shuffle squats?

Kimodo walks?

I am tired but I HAVE no clue!!!

Anthony C said...

RR= renegade rows

shuffle squats- feet a little farther apart than heel-to-toe, hands behind head, back straight, lower to almost ass-to-heel, jump up, in air switch feet, land back in deep squat with feet in opposite heel to toe position (they get old real fast)

kimodo walks- here is a video of me doing them- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=032GN-d1cvI