Sunday, September 14, 2008

First day back above the water...

we are a alive. our house is fine. our cars are fine. houston, however, is FUCKED. they are saying no power for up to 2 weeks. 90% of the city is without power. since we live in the middle of town, we should be ok and get it sooner but you never know.

im holed up in a hotel w/ power, AC, internet, cable etc- very exciting to be living in 1st world conditions again.

havent slept in 2 days b/c of storm and then b/c it was hot as fuck in my house. did a workout today- snatches with 24KG for a total of 75 reps. 2 sets of 20 shuffle squats, 2 rounds of 24KG TGU's, 5 per side. that was about it and all i had to give. im still pretty out of it.

the most surreal thing is driving through the 3rd largest city in American at night with NO POWER anywhere- very post-apocalyptic. there's a 9PM curfew for the whole city so i got to experience very little of it. but what i did experience was just wierd.

thanks for all the well-wishes. we made it.


Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you and yours are doing well. I worried about you guys. What was left of Ike swept through here early this am. and I thought of you all. We hit 45mph gusts, and there is shit down EVERYWHERE. I can't imagine what HOuston must be like. Keep you eyes open for a package. I sent you one last Thursday, and I'm hoping the storm doesn't lose it.

ATOM ANT said...

Glad you guys ok.

Chris J said...

More importantly, how is the park?

Glad everything went well for you guys, now just to hear back from my other friends in Houston.