Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sunny afternoon...

The weather was awesome. Left work early b/c I was in a bad mood. Worked out. Felt better.

Started week 2 of my pressing cycle. Got to 5 ladders of 4 this time w/ the 20KG. Progress. It was hard, my shoulders were on fire and so swollen when I was finished.

Went inside and threw on AOS Providence and did some practice rounds. I did all the "lower body" rounds so I did-

1legged dead lift round
squat/sumo dead lift round
windmill/overhead squat round
squat flip ( i did high pull catch variation) round
tactical lunge round
abs round

By this time I was pouring sweat, my lower back was super fatigued, my legs were shaking and I was in a better mood. I love these DVD's and I havent even actually TRIED any of the other ones yet.

Today is cardio day with the tire.

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