Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tag Team

Jonathan came over yesterday and we got fucking serious as a heart attack.

We did 6 rounds tag teaming it. One of us would do 32KG swings while other did core drills with 24KG. It looked like this.

(the 24KG exercise #ers are mine, not Jonathan's)
30 swings
2R/2L bent press
30 swings
10 fig82H
30 swings
10R/10L rows
30 swings
5R/5L windmills
30 swings
30 sec front, R, L planks
30 swings
20 pull ups

The 20 pull up finisher was the REAL DEAL. Made the experience oh-so-much-harder and really felt it afterward.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

So Fucking Hot!

And no I'm not talking about my lovely wife. I am talking about the weather. Good God!

I make it a point to workout outside whenever possible. I got out this morning early-ish around 10am to get it done without having a heat stroke- that was misplaced logic.

I had planned 4 rounds of A and 4 rounds of B going all the way through A and then B.

Didn't happen. I don't quit often and when it do it really stings me but today I quit. I did 4 rounds of A and 2.5 rounds of B. Then i had to go in. I literally thought my insides were cooking.

5 strict coach Maxwell push ups, 5 leg-loaded Hindu push ups (see Steve Maxwell's 300 BW challenge DVD) 5 twisting/crescent push ups. these were done straight through each other, no break up off the deck. javascript:void(0)
8 R/L side bends with the 32KG

3R/3L single leg deck squats then 2 more regular deck squats
5R/5L 24KG snatches

I got 2 full rounds of B and the 1 more round of deck squats and I had to quit.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Read the Naked Warrior. Working on full body tension and pressure in abdomen. Did 1-5 pressing ladder yesterday with pull ups.

Did it with the 20KG. I can usually do 5 ladders w/ 5 rungs each. Yesterday I think I FINALLY started to really understand the dynamics using the Naked Warrior principles. The bell really did seem to go up on its own. However, the rest of my body wasn't ready for that stress. I got through 3 ladders of 5 rungs and was sweating bullets and my legs couldn't take any more. They are sore sore sore today and so is my deep, inner core. AWESOME! I love it.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Movin on Up

Stepped up to sets of 30 swings in ETK yesterday. Still using the 32KG. I made it through 6 sets and then 1 set of 20 for a total of 200 reps in 12 min. That's about 50-60 more than I have been doing in the sets of 20.

Exactly what I thought would happen did- my forearms and wrists gave out before my legs or my lungs did. My legs and my lungs felt it a little more but my forearms and wrists were on FIRE after set 3. I didn't do the active rests in between sets. Instead I paced around and stretched out my wrists and hands. I took about 30 seconds total more rest than what is called for in the protocol- mostly to let my arms/wrists recharge. That's going to be a long battle getting them used to that.

Gonna keep it going, next time for this week I am shooting for 7-8 and next week 8-9. The first time I can hit 8 twice in a row I move to sets of 40. ICK!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Din Da Da....

Saturday I did heavy

4 rounds of

5R/5L 32Kg cleans
3R/3L 24KG presses (fuck u, these are still heavy for me)
6R/6L 32KG send bends
3R/3L 32KG windmills

this was HARD.

after round 4 I did 1-5 pull up ladder focusing on *perfect* form. this made this much harder. i can usually crank out 30 pretty easy. this 15 hurt.

got back from vegas today. was there for work. need rest then i am attacking this week w/ puritanical fire.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

So much for Next Modnay

Went home today and tried a workout I saw on the AoS forums that Ms. Denise-the-machine-Degracia did. This woman is 56(or 54? Sorry Denise) and weighs 124lbs and did 300 swings w/ the 32KG in less than 30 min.

I decided to try the same. Today on my porch in blazing sun I got 300 swings in 28 min and it was fucking awful. I am still shaking in my legs about 2 hours later.

Get some.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


My foot definitely isn't broken. Feel much better today. Should be back to the bells Monday next week at the latest. Taking time this week to read the Naked Warrior by Pavel and practice my body weight drills.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Just when you're getting ahead....

FUCK. I set the 32KG down on the top of my foot yesterday, rather hard. Didn't drop it, per se but I am about 90% positive I broke my fucking foot... dammit!

I can't really walk on it too well and wearing shoes sucks. I can still workout but no swings and no TGU's.

It's going to be get-up sit ups, seated and hanging ab work, pull ups, one footed push ups, floor presses, seated presses, russian twists and I think that's all I can do. If you can think of any other bell exercises that I can do without standing on my right foot, I would appreciate it.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Just got done...

ETK again with the 32KG. Did 8 full sets in 12 min. It is time to move to week 2. My forearms are NOT excited at all about this. I am predicting my grip going out before anything else when I move to the sets of 30.


Wed was a scheduled rest day. Didn't workout Thursday b/c I was sick all day. Friday drove to Austin so wife could get ready for oral exam for her licensure as a clinical psychologist in the State of TX.

Dropped her off Saturday morning then went and met up with Nia Kelly in Austin to workout out at her gym. It was great to see her and her new set up- its read and I'm jealous. She had an AoS rope that I have been dying to try. I got on it and it fucked me up royally. I wanted to do some other drills but the rope really took it out on me.

I am getting a rope this week. I cannot wait to use it. Today is ETK again.

Sandy Sommer, RKC mentioned to me that the snatch test has changed and based on the new protocol I feel bit better towards actually completing it. I have a LONG way to train towards it but it seems more realistic to me now.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Cold & Dead

Gains after the day after workout hell

Monday I hot home and got serious on ETK.

I might not have felt strong at all Sunday and the WO I did felt like a war even though it was only supposed to be a training exercise BUT- yesterday I beat my reps again in the 12 min. Every time I do the protocol with the 32KG I improve.

This time I got 8 full rounds of 20 swings and 1 min active rest and 1 more round of swings for a total of 180 swings and 8 min of active rest. As per the ETK protocol, I think that I am getting close to the max amount of work I can do in that time frame with 20 swings. I am going to do it again this week and if I stay at 9 sets of swings twice in a row I am strongly considering moving up to to week II and sets of 30.

Today is TGU day. After the 5 min round I am going to do some pull ups and leg raises. I will probably take some video of my new idea on mixing the two that I did last week (which is what I am pretty sure got my mid-section sooooooooo sore.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Lots of Updates

Last weeks run down-

Wed= OFF

Thursday= push ups @ job #2, lots of them

Friday= Impromptu park workout while at job#2.
Done twice through
5 pull ups w/ leg raises after each rep, 4 pull ups w/ knee raises after each rep, 3 super burpees, 2 L-seat pull ups, 1 pull up 15 bicycles, 30 leg raises

hindu push ups
hindu push ups w/ leg drop variation
twisting push ups (aka half-moon pushups)
not sure on # but i think this is what got my midsection SUPER sore.

This was FUCKING HARD. everything felt really really heavy. thought i was going to die. was just supposed to be a little loosen-the-muscles deal. turned into a war to get it done.
3 rounds of
32KG windmills 2R/2L
32 KG bent over rows 3R/3L (round 3 did 4 per side)
24KG TUG's 2R/2L

My body wasn't feeling it and I had to do something so I did this. I knew it was going to be not fun but I wasn't ready for it to be a battle to the death to make it through. It was 107 degrees outside but I was in the shade so it was only like 100 or so. Still, this humbled me.

I got off schedule this week w/ ETK but w/ job #2 I worked almost 96 hours this week!!!! Fuck that noise. I quit. So no more job #2 which means I can get back on a SERIOUS workout schedule where I get no excuses. To be honest I am proud of myself that I was able to dedicate as much time as I was while working job #2.

Expect awesomeness in hte near future.

PS: I talked with someone from the AoS forum who lives here in town who is a beast and gives me more credit than I deserve. He is going to start training for the RKC which is something I have wanted to do forever. I asked him if he wanted a training partner and he seemed excited about the prospect so I am going to go for it! The only thing that REALLY scares me is that damned snatch test. I could eat it alive with the 20KG. But Pavel doesn't adjust for weight so I have to use the 24KG for the test even though I weigh 145lbs. Sure my reps go down but still.... There is no way, right now, that I can snatch that fucker 38 times total. Getting to that # is going to be hard hard hard work.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Monday and Tuesday- MOVING ON UP


ETK swing day. Did it with 32KG. It was only 106 degrees outside. I got in 8 rounds of swing and 7 rounds of active rests so almost 8 full rounds in 12 min. That is 1 round of swings better than last week.

ETK TGU day. I attacked this w/ a vengance. Yesterday was brutal. Job #1 is trying to kick my ass. I had to take a break, go home, and workout to get my head back on straight. TGU's got it done.
Using the 24KG got 7R/6L- that is one total rep better than last time I did TGU day.

I am pretty excited about the progress I am making. I am suprised at how fast it is coming. That makes me think I was playing around for a little too long and the arrival of the 32KG showed me how much more I could have been doing....

Today will be playtime with the 32KG and some super burpee's (super burpee = burpee+pull up)