Thursday, July 24, 2008

Another double KB workout from the AoS forum...

with his response to my David Whitley double KB workout. He said he got this workout from Zach Even-Esh, it was a 'loaded-conditioning' workout. I had wondered "hrm, what does that mean, loaded conditioning"? Well I found out tonite. Loaded conditioning is trainer speak for make-your-whole-body-cramp-up-until-al-your-muscle-groups-fail-and-you-almost-have-a-moment-of-incontinence. Yep. That's what the term 'loaded-conditioning" means.
The work was prescribed as follows-

"Kettlebell walks for either distance or time1. Double overhead carry KB walk 2. Rack walk 3. Farmer's walk4. Cross Carry - (1KB overhead, 1KB in Farmer position) alternate arms5. Overhead carry the length of a basketball court - Push press x 5 reps6. Rack walk to other end - Squats x 5 reps7. Farmer walk back the other way - Alternating rows - 5 reps each side8.Cross carry to other end - Squat into a high pull x 5 reps9.Cross carry using opposite arms - Alternating snatch x 5 reps"

It was mentioned that it was brief but intense. I used my 2 20KG bells and got to business. I am happy to say I made it to past the rows before I droppped the bells.

While reading this, JUST NOW, i realized i did this workout all wrong. I did 5-9 like they were all of the workout and 1-4 like they were clarification. It makes much more sense now. MUCH MORE why you might just do it once through.

I did 5-9, it SUCKED but I felt like I didnt do enough so I repeated it. I took video of me repeating it, its HILARIOUS and below- I walked too far out of frame so you only get to see half of the hilarity

. I now realize you are supposed to do 1-9 all the way through, probably once. I assume once. If it is more than once than I feel like a giant maxi pad.

Either way. The first way through was great, hard but great. The second way through after the rows, my grip died. I mean died. My forearms are still ruined and typing is hard. Next time I will do it correctly and let you all know how that goes.

If you're into the double bell workouts, this one gets 2 thumbs up. I think it was harder than DW's. The squat into a high pull was really really hard and the alternating snatches at the end was like someone shooting your dog in front of you and then laughing at you about it- they were that bad.


Ryan W said...

Zack Even-Esh has some good stuff. He has some really tough kettlebell complexes on youtube. Search underground kettlebell complex and you should be able to find it.

Anthony C said...

he is a beast. i think i'm going to have to get done on some more of this stuff.