Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekend Recap

Friday was a GOOD day-

4 rounds of

20 double 20KG swings
6-8 double 20KG presses(R1= see saw, R2= double M&P, R3= alt presses, R4+single ladders)
5 pull ups

Sat was OFF

heavy dead lifts- did 225lbs again. 5x5. This time was MUCH better. My legs were 100% up to the task. MY grip though, on sets 4 and 5 around rep 3 got a little wonky/shaky. I think I am going to use that weight 1 more time this week and then jump to 235lbs.

This week I am focusing more on my KB training for the RKC- swings, C&P's and snatches- all w/ the 24KG. Last week I was on the road so much it was difficult.

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