Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Carrying the Weight...

So yesterday I came up with this idea to incorporate my new toy- th ehomade bulgarian sand bag (BSB) into my workout without repeating the drills I did yesterday.

I did the following
4 rounds alteranting between these two drills

R1- BSB around neck approx 35lbs, suitcase DL two 24KG bells into farmers carry for 30 yards, set down, 10 squats, suitase DL farmers carry 35 yards, 5 R/L lunges, suitcase deadlift to farmers carry 35 yards set down 10 squats, suitcase deadlift to farmers carry 30 yards to finsih. takes approx 3-4min.

R2- rack walk two 24KG bells 30 yards, 1 min front plank, rack walks bells 35 yards, 30 v-up crunches, rack walk 35 yards, 30 seconds R side plank, 30 second L side plank, rack walk to finish.

I repeated R1 & R2 twice. Then I jogged about 1/4-1/3 of a mile with the BSB around my neck. Took it off and ran 4 rounds of 65 yard sprints. Then i was DONE.

Some thoughts:
I tried to do the rack walks with the BSB around my neck. I couldn't clean to the two 24KG's with it around me. Partially because it got in the way and also b/c it may have been too heavy. I know i could clean two 65lb bells. But with the extra 35lbs around my neck, pushing down on me- it was a very different experience and it wasn't quite happening.

Let me tell you this- this workout was fucking hard. Carrying that weight like that is draining. even when you drop the bells that BSB is still around your neck and for little-ol-me, that 35lbs gets OLD after a while. It was a great workout and a great conditioning/stregnth builder. Working under that weight for that long zaps you.

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