Monday, November 23, 2009

Two more in

Saturday I did a little something-something- no big deal. 5x5 double MP's w/ the 20KG's.

Sunday though, was real. Sunday I did

3 sets of of 2 different Rounds.

R1 x 3
20 32KG swings
pull up routine ladder. rep ranges went 1, 2, and 2. 3 wasn't happening
(you cycle through diff pull ups w/o taking hands off bar. you change han positions at the bottom of your pull up so it goes overhand hands together, regular, one under/one over, chin up, one under/one over, regular)

R2 x 3
24KG Renegade Rows 3/3 (could have done more but haven't done these in a while and this is a serious drill I am sore from the 3x3 I did.)
5 KB burpees to suit case dead lift.

On the way back to awesome. Not there yet... But close.

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