Tuesday, July 6, 2010

WK2 D2 & D3 and WK 3 D1

Whew- That's a mouth full... recap:

WK2D2- made an 80-85lbs sandbag. Used it for squats and lunges as presecribed. FML that was hard. The walking lunges destroyed me.

WK2D3- used the sandbag as perscribed, let me tell you- cleaning and pressing an 80/85lb sandbag is WAY harder than C&Ping 80lbs of bells or olympic bar. That shit KILLED me. workout was
1A5x5 sand bag C&P
1B 5x 5-10 KB rows
2A 3 x 10, 8, 6 double KB swings
2B 3 x 10, 8, 6 double KB cleans (used double 24KG's for both of these)
tabata jump rope- no jump rope so used firehose for rope work tabata style. vomit inducing.

WK3D1- on deadlifts, finally got back in the game with 271lbs- that's 17lbs shy of double me. Got it up twice. Probably had 1 or 2 more in me. Was amped b/c it didn't go up the first two times i tried. Changed grip and BANG!
also dragon flags are finally looking respectable. Video's of the carnage below..


ATOM ANT said...

Brutal. Good effort.

Fitgirl-ATX said...

Hey bro: how's training for the RKC coming along??